DJs info is all true

Monday, May 19, 2008

info v2

Killer whales seem to know no fear, and are ruthless killers of their prey. The Greek translation of Orca means "killer from hell". Their Latin scientific name, Orcinus Orca, means a kind of whale, of or belonging to the realms of the dead. Man assumed that he to would be a target of the killer whale if he were in the water. This fear led to the persecution of killer whales. "In the 1950's the US Air Force practiced strafing runs on pods of killer whales". * Today some commercial fishermen are still shooting killer whales because the whales are stealing their fish. It has not been until recent years, when killer whales were captured and put on display in aquariums that they earned the respect they deserve. They proved themselves to be intelligent, acrobatic and friendly, and people around the world have fallen in love with them

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